Saturday, June 18, 2011

DIY Dry Erase Board!

Thanks to Pinterest (you can read my rave blog about that here) I found a great idea for a DIY Dry Erase Board!  Here's a picture of the one I found!  You can see it on pinterest by clicking on it!
It's just a piece of scrapbook paper behind glass that you can write on!  So simple, so cheap and such a great idea!  

So I set out to create my own! 

I decided to use fabric instead of paper since my mom has some great patterns.  Here's the 3 I decided to choose from.  I ended up with the one on the right.

 Next my project ADD took over and I realized that I could put fabric in a small frame gallery I have on my wall.  So here's the fabric I choose for that!
 I've really been into natural colors lately, hence the green and yellow and since my room has no specific color theme they work!

After my mini project I returned to my frame.  I first ironed the fabric (which didn't work out all that well but I'm not a perfectionist and might actually replace it with paper later anyway).  Then I taped it to the mat in the frame.
 Once that was on I taped a piece of thick paper onto the back of the fabric to make sure the brown backing didn't show through.
 Here are my two projects side by side!  Cute huh?  Everything looks better behind glass!
 I think I would have preferred a tealish color to match my bedspread for the small frame, but this works for now.
 I went with a yellow for the dry erase board since it'll be easy to read with any color.  I was leaning towards a teal or purple color (to match my purple pillows and organizer boxes) but thought it might be hard to read green or red on those colors.
 Here's the board on the wall.  Notice I did something with my scarves?  I'll get to that later!
I think it looks much better than the board I had before.  You can see that in the before / after pictures!  It was a simple project that took no time and really changed the look of that wall.  I'll get into more detail about that wall later since there are other things I changed!  Can you see what else is different?  What are some projects you've done that have taken little time but made a big difference?  I'd love to hear about them!

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!



  1. What a great idea! I think the yellow is a perfect color, especially with your wall color...I will definitely be keeping this in mind for our next house :)

  2. Thanks! I'm loving it still, especially with my to-do list written on it!
